Two crazy people I picked up along the way or: Why I've been so annoying on Social Media lately


A couple of you have already seen some of my annoying posts about this Challenge I want to participate in. If my team manages to get into the challenge we will travel Europe for seven days in April. The catch is that we will do it without money or phones – just with cans of a very popular energy drink.

I am not going to tell you how badly we want to be part of it, how this would be the biggest adventure any of us has ever been on, blabla. You get the point – it would be amazing. But in true flying floordrobe style, I want to tell you the stories of how I met these two people crazy enough to go on a trip like that with me.

I met Kiran last semester at my university here in Tallinn. The whole Student Council went out together for the first time and I was pretty excited. Kiran on the other hand was not in the best mood of all times and I made it my mission to make him a bit happier. Well. Let’s just say things did not go exactly as planned and that I wasn’t his favorite person that night. But I truly believe that this set the base for our friendship. This and the 10 bars of chocolate I bribed him into liking me again with.

And only three weeks ago Victoria talked her way into our crew. An Estonian who does not shut up – ever – how can anybody not like that? She had just returned from her exchange semester in Madrid and was ready to take over the world. And when she realized that this was not possible in a couple of days she focused on our school. She loves to write to-do lists – for other people – and constantly freaks out about her tight schedule.

One week into knowing Vic she suggested signing up for the challenge together. And we all got too excited to think this through properly. Let’s face it, we don’t know if it’s a great idea to go on such an intense trip with people we’ve only just met. But judging from everything we’ve been through in the last couple of days I’m pretty damn sure we can make it together. All through filming our application video to the voting process that’s going on right now we’ve managed to stay friends even though we’ve been annoying each other to death. Some people question our sanity level, though. We have heard “Is this a comedy show?” more than once when I threaten to slap Vic because she won’t calm down or when we all yell at each other because we all want to get attention at the same time.

With our amazing help Birgit who shot the whole video.
So I’m pretty sure we would have an insanely fun week together. With focus on the insane part. And I think that it would be pretty entertaining for everybody watching our video updates throughout that week. So if you love adventures, crazy things or just want to watch our team – Adventure Preneurs –get horribly lost in Europe and blame it on each other then we would really appreciate your like on our video – which we poured our hearts and souls into. And our health. I fell on my head so many times while shooting, it’s ridiculous. I am really starting to think that I have a talent for falling in the weirdest ways humanly possible. But that’s another story.

In case you voted for us - you just won my eternal love. And if you didn't - I still love you for reading this. But you should really consider voting.

xx Kathi

Photos taken in: Tallinn, Estonia

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