This is the part of flying floordrobe which is full to the bursting with our dreams and plans. So you are always up to date on our current or future travels. Let us know if you're in the area!
where to?
December 7th - 11th: Cologne
December 9th - 12th: Brussels
February 1st - 25th: South East Asia (flying floordrobe on tour - get ready for loads of crazy posts)
April 2017: England
August 2017: Estonia
bucket list:
x see the Northern Lights
x Safari in South Africa
x teach English in a foreign country
x pet a Koala bear
x Balloon ride in Cappadocia
x travel around the world for a whole year
x Bungee jumping in Cancun
x do the Mongol Rally
x skydiving wherever
x live in Cape Town
x volunteer at a Huskey farm in Lapland